Daw Moe Thida
B. Sc. ( Hons.), M. Sc. (Botany)
Lecturer and Head
Department of Botany
E.mail. dawmoebotany@gmail.com.
History of the Department
Institute of Pharmacy (Yangon) was established in 30th January, 1992, at Thahton Street, Kamaryut Township. The Botany Course was commenced at the Institute of Pharmacy in academic year (1994 – 1995) with 50 matriculated students.The Department of Botany was run by U S.D. Parazent (M.Sc. in Botany), Lecturer and Head, and the teaching staff from the Department of Botany, Institute of Medicine (1).
When the Institute was transferred to Waibargi Road, North Okkalapa Township in May 2001, the Botany Department came under the guidance of Daw May Kyi Win (M.Sc. in Botany), Lecturer and Head and teaching staff of the Department of Botany, Institute of Medicine (2).
In January 2003, its own Department was established at Institute of Pharmacy (Yangon) and run by Daw Nu Nu Sein as a Lecturer and Head of the Department and the staff members according to the new set-up. After Daw Nu Nu Sein retired on 31st December, 2017, Daw kyi Kyi Win run the Department as a Lecturer and Head of the Department in September 2018.
Botany is taught as a subject only to the first year students.
Departmental Objectives
At the end of the premedical course in Botany, the learner should be able to:
1. describe the characteristics of life and living processes (K)
2. explain how the basic requirements of human beings are being provided by plants (K)
3. describe the physiological changes in plants which are similar to other organisms (K)
4. recall the basic principles of heredity and apply it in solving elementary genetic
problems (K)
5. describe the reactions of living things to constantly changing environment (K)
6. acquire an understanding of patterns of responses made by organisms to stimuli of
their environments (K)
7. explain some herbal plants in Myanmar and their constituents, their uses in health care
8. make accurate identification of cells and tissues of living plant materials (S)
9. perform and interpret laboratory tests and procedures (S)
10. make accurate identifications of medicinally important plants in relation to their
respective constituents and uses (S)
11. establish a habit of methodlogical scientific approach, namely, accurate observation
and experiments, and drawing of valid conclusion (A)
12. believe and accept the role of prevention in environmental pollution (A)
13. believe and accept that plants possess medicinal value (A)
Former Heads
U S.D. Parazent
M.Sc. (Botany)
Lecturer and Head
Department of Botany (1992 to 1994)
Institute of Medicine (1)
Daw Mya Sein
M.Sc. (Botany)
Lecturer and Head
Department of Botany (1994 – 1998)
Institute of Medicine (1)
Daw Mya Mya Than
M.Sc. (Botany)
Department of Botany (1998 – 1999)
Institute of Medicine (1)
Daw May Kyi Win
M.Sc. (Botany)
Lecturer and Head
Department of Botany (1999 – 2003)
Institute of Medicine (2)
Daw Nu Nu Sein
M.Sc. (Botany)
Lecturer and Head
Department of Botany (2003 to 2017)
University of Pharmacy, Yangon
Daw Kyi Kyi Win
B. Sc. ( Hons.), M. Sc. (Botany)
Lecturer and Head
Department of Botany (2017 to 2021)
University of Pharmacy, Yangon